Project Mentors in Columbus, Ohio: Guidance and Support for Mentees

Mentor parents in Columbus, Ohio provide invaluable resources, guidance, and support to families. Trained peers and mentors offer supervision and professional development to help parents understand the special education process and become better advocates for their children. Through discussions and mentoring, a street mentor encourages clients to think critically and logically about the consequences of their actions and how they can resolve conflicts without resorting to violence. Ed Cohn, president and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio, explained that the Project Mentor plan is an individual program that fosters a mentor-child relationship, focusing on both the academic and personal needs of the child. The number of students receiving tutoring amounts to about 20 percent of the total of 5,000 students in the eighth grade class. Jerry Jurgensen, CEO of Nationwide, said that he and Nationwide have been supporting education in Columbus schools for more than 20 years.

This includes their participation in the Windsor Academy's Partners for Education program and having been commercial sponsors of the principal for one day for the past four years. Jurgensen believes that the health of the public education system is the biggest problem for the future, not only in Columbus, but also in the state of Ohio and in the country. For nearly 30 years, Ohio Parent Mentors has helped families manage local and state special education processes and services so that children with disabilities can get the most out of their educational experience. Project Mentor's spokesperson is Archie Griffin, a Columbus Schools graduate and two-time winner of the Ohio State Heisman Trophy. Project mentors in Columbus offer invaluable guidance and support to their mentees. They provide resources, advice, and assistance to families to help them find the best possible options for their children.

Mentors also offer professional development to help parents understand special education processes. Through discussions and mentoring sessions, mentors encourage clients to think critically about their actions and how they can resolve conflicts without resorting to violence. Ohio Parent Mentors has been helping families manage local and state special education processes for nearly 30 years. Project Mentor's spokesperson is Archie Griffin, a Columbus Schools graduate who has won two Ohio State Heisman Trophies. Nationwide has been supporting education in Columbus schools for more than 20 years through their participation in the Windsor Academy's Partners for Education program. Project mentors in Columbus are essential for providing guidance and support to their mentees.

With resources, advice, professional development, and mentoring sessions, mentors help families find the best possible options for their children while encouraging them to think critically about their actions.

Molly Delashmit
Molly Delashmit

Evil internet trailblazer. General tv practitioner. Devoted bacon evangelist. General zombieaholic. Proud travel aficionado.

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