Common Challenges and Strategies for Project Mentors and Mentees in Columbus, Ohio

Unrealistic expectations and assumptions can have a detrimental effect on a mentoring relationship. It is important to remember that your mentor is someone who understands your difficulties as a first-generation student and is willing to help you in your academic endeavors. Mentoring is essential for the knowledge and skills that students can learn, as well as for providing professional socialization and personal support to facilitate success. Program participants, referred to as mentees, will meet with their mentors at least once a month during the academic year. Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations.

However, if you are already facing this challenge, talking to the director of your mentoring program can help. Additionally, more research is needed to determine the impact of this mentor training curriculum on important outcomes for mentees. The majority (75%) of mentors and mentees shared personal information as part of the mentoring relationship, which was significantly associated with mentees' assessment of their work-life balance. The Columbus State network of academics includes ongoing mentoring with professional peer-to-peer mentoring, monthly Lunch & Learn workshops, peer support, and other campus resources. This program is intended for Columbus State students identified as men who are interested in participating on campus, connecting with other Columbus State men, and receiving mentoring opportunities. The activities of phase 2 consisted of the “offline” development of a new module in the mentor training curriculum by adapting the content of Total Leadership.

The goal of this resource is to avoid challenges related to couples in the first place by ensuring that participants' expectations regarding the mentoring experience are clarified before mentoring begins. Here are some of the most common challenges in mentoring relationships and strategies to overcome them. Overloading the mentee with too much information and expecting them to become a clone of the mentor are two examples of unrealistic expectations that can have a negative impact on the relationship. On the other hand, the mentee may expect the mentor to provide more support and guidance than is reasonable given the circumstances. Instead of moving towards independence, the mentee could contact the mentor before making decisions for fear of making a mistake or receiving criticism. Teachers were surveyed one week after the end of the training program in order to gather their opinion on the content and application of the training program, as well as on any changes they registered in the evaluations of mentoring skills.

If you are already facing this challenge, talking to the director of your mentoring program can help.

Molly Delashmit
Molly Delashmit

Evil internet trailblazer. General tv practitioner. Devoted bacon evangelist. General zombieaholic. Proud travel aficionado.

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