The Essential Skills for Project Mentors in Columbus, Ohio: A Comprehensive Guide

Google, a company renowned for its STEM geniuses, recently conducted a study that revealed the seven most important factors of success within the company were all social skills. This came as a surprise to Google, who then shifted their focus on hiring and team building to include more people from the liberal arts sector and added secondary “B” teams. These teams are comprised mostly of non-scientific people who have a talent for empathy, curiosity, problem solving, and equality. When working in collaboration with the highly successful “A” teams that focus on science and technology, it turns out that “B” teams are constantly presenting the new ideas that have made an overall difference in the innovation sector. Project mentors must possess a wide range of essential skills in order to be successful.

Communication is key; mentors must be able to listen actively and provide clear feedback. Interpersonal skills are also essential for mentors to build trust with their mentees. In addition, mentors must have an in-depth knowledge of project management practices and methodologies. They should be able to share practical tips and tools to help their mentee succeed. Research by Johnson, Thomas, and Brown (201) found that women of color in STEM fields didn't have access to quality mentoring, and some couldn't even find a mentor.

This is why it's important to consider whether the mentor has experience in particular areas relevant to the mentee's goals or career path. Finding a mentor can seem daunting, but many people in the science museum field are willing to be mentors. Smith and Johnson (201) suggested that male mentors treat their male and female protégés differently, resulting in different outcomes. To develop a successful mentoring relationship in project management, it's essential to set clear expectations from the start. With these elements, project management mentoring can help people become better leaders, achieve their goals more efficiently, and manage complex projects effectively from start to finish. Program participants, called mentees, will meet with their mentors at least once a month during the academic year.

Equality & Open Mentality is key for developing trust between mentor and mentee. The men in Smith & Johnson's study received a special type of mentoring sponsorship through which the mentor advocates for his protégé to senior executives. The main objectives of the program are designed to help students build a community, develop skills, and gain the confidence necessary to succeed in college. A mentoring relationship takes time and effort from both parties but the benefits often outweigh the challenges. The mentor can share their knowledge, skills and experience while providing guidance and support to the mentee who has just started or is looking to improve their career in project management.

Once your mentee achieves more success in their careers and mentors others (hopefully), they will share these valuable skills with a new generation of apprentices.

Molly Delashmit
Molly Delashmit

Evil internet trailblazer. General tv practitioner. Devoted bacon evangelist. General zombieaholic. Proud travel aficionado.

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