The Power of Emotional Intelligence for Project Mentors in Columbus, Ohio

For project mentors, emotional intelligence is a must-have. Studies have revealed that there is a strong correlation between emotional intelligence and the level of trust that the mentee has in them (Chun, Litzky, Sosik, Bechtold & Godshalk, 2020). Moreover, there are certain qualities that are beneficial to cultivate for a mentor or coach. For instance, high empathy provides better professional and psychological support for mentoring roles (Chun et al.).Emotional intelligence (EI), also known as EQ, plays a critical role in the success of mentoring relationships.

It involves the capacity to recognize and comprehend one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, and to use that awareness to manage behavior and relationships effectively. By honing their emotional intelligence, both mentors and mentees can better comprehend and communicate with each other, resulting in a more productive and satisfying mentoring experience. If you're looking for a mentoring program in Columbus, Ohio, contact me to learn more about Lisa Adams and my Mentoring Program 2.0.Emotionally intelligent project managers can effectively manage stress, maintain composure, and make rational decisions even in difficult situations. They are persuasive yet sensitive to the emotions and interests of others, helping to build consensus and gain support for project initiatives.

They also implement due diligence processes to assess the integrity and ethical practices of customers, government agencies, and other entities participating in the project. This agility helps the project team to respond promptly to emerging opportunities or challenges, avoiding unnecessary delays and ensuring timely completion of the project. In this workshop we will cover topics such as the characteristics of successful and failed mentoring relationships, the C's of mentoring and creating your own network of mentors, and strategies for getting the most out of mentoring relationships. Although three-quarters of American workers say mentors are important, currently only about 37 percent have a mentor. By demonstrating empathy, active listening, and a genuine interest in stakeholder concerns, project managers can build trust and foster positive relationships. Project managers and emotionally intelligent team members can consider the emotional impact of decisions on stakeholders, evaluate alternatives from different perspectives, and make informed decisions that fit the project's objectives and values.

Ideally, both the project manager and a member of the project team should become experts in emotional intelligence. By addressing these triggers early on, project managers can mitigate risks, prevent disruptions, and ensure smooth project progress. Emotionally intelligent project managers are attentive to the emotions and concerns of their team members, stakeholders, and other project participants. By effectively resolving conflicts, project managers can avoid unnecessary delays caused by protracted disputes and maintain a harmonious project environment.

Molly Delashmit
Molly Delashmit

Evil internet trailblazer. General tv practitioner. Devoted bacon evangelist. General zombieaholic. Proud travel aficionado.

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